Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trust in the media has fallen to a dangerously low level !

Trust in the media has fallen to a dangerously low level, and news organisations have still only just begun to think about what corporate responsibility means for them.

A reputation mirrored in scandal:

Recent scandals, such as the “Meera’s” case on air – in which two humans and media are profiting from their personal lives – have created the impression of a self-serving media that fails to uphold ethical standards. The media is accused of hypocrisy (revealing others’ mistakes while failing to illuminate their own); of lacking accountability; and of “dumbing-down”, including the failure to report the things that matter!!

Media a source of entertainment for most..

It is true that media is a source of entertainment for most. However, it should not be merely left in the hands of the glamorous world to take advantage from. Media gives us an excellent opportunity to spread awareness about various social and spiritual matters. The irony is that we are not as willing as we ought to be to benefit ourselves and the society around us from this opportunity.

What can we as individuals and as a community do to take up this grand challenge?

Is Pakistani media is acting in accordance with its social and religious, ethical values or the situation is vice versa?

It is quite clear that it is social and ethical responsibility of every country’s media that they should provide information or facilities to their public by keeping in view their religious and ethical values .
So do you think that Pakistani media is acting in accordance with its social and religious, ethical values or the situation is vice versa?

As we see great amount of openess and acceptability by the general audience on various issues that primarily earlier were not considered appropriate to be discussed . Advertisements today such as of sanitary napkins and family planning seem like a very general idea.
Are we as a society moulded and effected by the media ?If so in what ways?

Monday, September 28, 2009

It is undoubtedly true that the position of media or journalism is not that of a mission but of a commercial industry.

The truth of the matter, however, is that our present journalism is used to presenting only half side of the picture. This is the root cause of all our problems. In view of the present circumstances media activism would amount to present a balanced reporting of the situation abandoning the present policy of selective reporting.
The principle of modern journalism can be understood from this saying:"When a dog bites a man it is no news, but when a man bites a dog, it is news".

Media empowerment is a sign of true democracy, a medium to communicate with the youth and the entire world. Media definitely has a responsibility on its shoulders, which is to guide the people. People have blind faith in the media and they are convinced that what they hear or what the media has declared is correct. But have we ever deliberated over the fact that media can also be selfish? The truth is that in this competitive world – the media is also a victim.