Saturday, November 14, 2009

Social and Ethical Responsibilites in Media: It is undoubtedly true that the position of media or journalism is not that of a mission but of a commercial industry.

Social and Ethical Responsibilites in Media: It is undoubtedly true that the position of media or journalism is not that of a mission but of a commercial industry.


  1. yes it is true that pakistani media should convey the message which is moral full and objectable and address the people based on truth.Every channel starts their Programme with a talk segment and most of the time the discussion are boring and uninformative. It is the primary responsibility of our media to impose a self-censorship which is basically to say nothing against Pakistan and its national security institutions. It seems that owners of electronic media channels are greedy and they are not resisting on unethical advertisements. It is true that a free media is essential for the development of a country. But it is also essential to safe guard the cultural and established norms and values of our society. It is also true that the government wants to use the media for its ulterior motives but it is the responsibility of the media persons to safeguard its rights for a free and objective reporting. It is time to decide whether Pakistan is supposed to be an Islamic, social welfare state for the people of Pakistan or a National Security State for the opportunist.

  2. yes it is true that pakistani media should convey the message which is moral full and objectable and address the people based on truth.Every channel starts their Programme with a talk segment and most of the time the discussion are boring and uninformative. It is the primary responsibility of our media to impose a self-censorship which is basically to say nothing against Pakistan and its national security institutions. It seems that owners of electronic media channels are greedy and they are not resisting on unethical advertisements. It is true that a free media is essential for the development of a country. But it is also essential to safe guard the cultural and established norms and values of our society. It is also true that the government wants to use the media for its ulterior motives but it is the responsibility of the media persons to safeguard its rights for a free and objective reporting. It is time to decide whether Pakistan is supposed to be an Islamic, social welfare state for the people of Pakistan or a National Security State for the opportunist.
